Express & Star

Calls for traffic lights and speed humps on Dudley street to slow down speeding motorists

Calls have been made for safety measures to be installed along what residents claim is a dangerous road in Dudley.

Residents in Wallows Road, Dudley, want traffic lights at both ends of the street. Photo: Google

Councillor Judy Foster, who represents the Brockmoor and Pensnett ward for Dudley Council, and West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Foster are backing the calls for traffic signals to be placed at each end of Wallows Road and for speed humps to also be installed.

A petition has been raised calling for the safety features following concerns of residents about speeding motorists.

They claim this has led to a number of serious accidents and near misses along the road.

Residents are also concerned about the dangers involved when vehicles are turning into or emerging from Wallows Road on to the nearby main roads.

Councillor Foster has been collecting signatures for a petition calling for action and which is to be presented to the council.

Meanwhile Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Foster has visited the area because of concerns of residents.

Councillor Foster said: "Chicanes had been installed to slow traffic down but are proving of little value as cars manoeuvre round them or collide with them, leading to damage and sometimes collisions with other road users.

"There are also dangers for traffic getting in and out of Wallows Road from the two very busy main roads at either end, the Stourbridge Road and Pensnett Road, where traffic often travels very fast and where visibility is poor.

"That is why we are calling for traffic signals at these junctions.

"Both the police and myself have reached out to residents to join a Speed Watch scheme, but we need more people involved and I would encourage people to contact myself to find out more."

Commissioner Simon Foster said: "I have seen for myself the anti-social behaviour that speeding traffic is causing to residents in Wallows Road.

"I have pledged to rebuild community policing.

"We need preventative proactive and visible policing to address problems like speeding in residential areas.

"In the meantime I urge those residents who have not already done so, to sign the petition and consider getting involved with Speed Watch.

"If all the measures proposed are implemented, it could prevent speeding, protect people and save lives."

People can sign the petition at RnL Gentlemen's Barbers or Main Bite during opening hours or contact the email address.