Express & Star

Sophisticated car thief jailed for high-end vehicle thefts

A car criminal has been jailed for more than four years after admitting his part in a series of sophisticated, high-end vehicle thefts.


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Reece Woodthorpe, 24, originally from Wolverhampton, but now of The Roundabout, Birmingham, appeared at Birmingham Crown Court for sentencing after admitting to a series of car thefts.

Woodthorpe was captured by police after investigating officers discovered an image of him on a phone that was seized, including over where a distinctive tattoo could be seen on his hand while he was driving a stolen vehicle.

During a search of Woodthorpe's home, which at the time was in Wolverhampton, officers recovered a key fob and electronic equipment, that was hidden in a couch, that is used to access vehicles by keyless means.

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