Express & Star

'You can get a nose job. They can't' – 'Unsettling' new billboard in city centre urges people not to buy dogs with flat faces

An unsettling new billboard by PETA is urging people not to buy dogs with breathing difficulties from breeders.


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The animal rights organisation erected an unmissable notice in Birmingham city centre yesterday which reads, "You can get a nose job. They can't", between a photo of a human and pug. It was put up at the Summer Row junction off Cambridge Street and will stay up for two weeks.

The charity put up the sign in a bid to make people 'think twice' before buying a breathing-impaired breed (BIB), such as English bulldogs, French bulldogs and pugs, as they are deliberately bred to have flat, squashed faces, making breathing hard for them.

Elisa Allen, PETA's vice president of programmes, said: "Humans can re-shape their noses however they want, but it’s cruel to purposely breed dogs with near non-existent noses that condemn them to a lifetime of panting and gasping for air, and an early grave.

The billboard on Summer Row, Birmingham

"PETA encourages Brummies to adopt animal companions from their local shelter and turn their noses up at breeders that profit from churning out miserable, unhealthy animals who struggle to breathe."

She added that the snorting, snoring, and noisy breathing common among BIBs is due to an uncomfortable, debilitating, and sometimes fatal condition called brachycephalic syndrome. Going for a walk, chasing a ball, running, and playing – the things that make dogs' lives joyful and fulfilling – are impossible for many BIBs.

A report by the Royal Veterinary College concluded that some flat-faced breeds, including pugs, can no longer be classified as "typical" dogs due to the health problems caused by their abnormally flat faces.

A number of countries – including the Netherlands and Norway – have already taken action to prevent the suffering of these dogs by banning or restricting the breeding of certain BIBs.