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Five men charged after series of robberies in Birmingham as police issue warning over online dating

Five men have been charged with robbing and assaulting people as police issue a warning over online dating apps.

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The five men were charged at Birmingham Magistrates Court on Saturday

Demalji Hadza, Wasim Omar, Ali Hassan, Abubaker Alexawy and Mohammed Sharif, all from Birmingham, have been charged with numerous offences after a series of robberies, which saw victims robbed and assaulted after allegedly agreeing to meet from online dating apps.

Hadza, aged 21, Omar, aged 23 and Hassan, aged 21, were charged with conspiracy to commit robbery and appeared at Birmingham Magistrates Court on Saturday, where they were remanded in custody to appear in court next month.

Alexawy, aged 21, was charged with conspiracy to rob on Saturday at Birmingham Magistrates and was remanded in custody, while 23-year-old Sharif was charged with money laundering and released on bail.

West Midlands Police have issued a number of safety tips for people meeting someone for the first time off a dating app.

A spokesman for West Midlands Police said: "We have charged five men in relation to a series of robberies in Birmingham.

"After agreeing to meet via online dating apps, victims were then robbed and assaulted.

"Demalji Hadza, aged 21, Wasiim Omar, aged 23, and Ali Hassan, aged 21, have all been charged with conspiracy to commit robbery and appeared at Birmingham Magistrates Court on Saturday.

"The three men from Birmingham were remanded in custody to appear at court next month.

"Abubaker Alexawy, aged 21, also from Birmingham, was charged with conspiracy to rob on Saturday and appeared at court yesterday where he was also remanded in custody.

"Mohammed Sharif, aged 23 from Birmingham also appeared in court yesterday morning charged with money laundering and was released on bail.

"Remember, you can follow some safety tips when meeting in person for the first time off a dating app.

"Check you have their real name by finding out if they use any social media sites, get more pictures so you can check they are who they say they are, meet in a public place and tell a friend where you’re meeting your date

"Also, never arrange to meet in your home. This can put you in great danger and could lead to your belongings being stolen and if something happens that you’re not comfortable with, don’t be embarrassed, report it."

"You can also Ask for Angela, which is an initiative that numerous pubs and bars across the West Midlands have joined to offer assistance, should you find yourself in a difficult or intimidating situation while you're out and about."

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