Express & Star

Police appeal to identify three men after city centre crime spree

West Midlands Police are appealing for information on three men they want to talk to in connection with four robberies last month.

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Police are looking to talk to these three men in relation to a series of robberies in Birmingham City Centre

The offences took place between 8.20pm and 9.15pm in Birmingham City Centre on Tuesday, October 10, with belongings, including mobile phones, bank cards and earphones all being stolen.

Investigators released images of the three men saying they hope that people can help put names to the images.

A West Midlands Police spokesperson said: "The victims were threatened with a knife and one was punched several times. Fortunately, none needed hospital treatment.

"We won't tolerate such behaviour in our city and officers have been working to identify and trace those responsible."

Anyone with information is being asked to get in touch via the Live Chat service on their website or by calling 101, quoting crime reference number 20/900614/23.

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