Express & Star

Extra patrols at mosque after threats made to families

Families are alleged to have been subjected to threats by a man as they headed to a city mosque.

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An investigation has been launched after a man was alleged to have made threats outside Green Lane Mosque. Photo: Google Street Map

West Midlands Police have launched an investigation after a man is alleged to have made threats to families outside Green Lane Mosque in the Small Heath area of Birmingham on Wednesday.

It is believed by the force that while the man made threats, they were not acted upon and he was not in possession of a weapon.

The force said it was increasing patrols around the mosque and other mosques in the area and wanted to offer reassurance to worshippers and the wider community across the weekend.

A spokesman for West Midlands Police said: "An investigation has been launched after a man is alleged to have made threats to families outside Green Lane Mosque at around 6pm yesterday (14 Sept).

"We are working really hard to identify the man and have spoken to a number of people who witnessed the incident. We are fast tracking CCTV in an effort to identify him as soon as possible.

"None of the threats made were acted upon and it is not believed the man was in possession of a weapon.

"Our priority is always public safety. We have increased patrols around Green Lane Mosque and other mosques in the area to offer reassurance to worshippers and the wider community. This will continue into the weekend.

"We will carry out patrols around prayer times and would urge anyone who thinks that they have been a victim to report to officers or call us on 101 quoting log 3888 of 14 September."

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