Express & Star

Chamber to move to new premises

Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce has announced plans to relocate to new premises.


It will be moving to 54 Hagley Road in the Edgbaston area of Birmingham by the end of the year.

GBCC has agreed to lease office space at 54 Hagley Road, near to Chamber of Commerce House which has been home to the region’s largest and longest-running business membership organisation since 1960.

It will continue to operate from Chamber of Commerce House in Harborne Road until completion and a relocation date have been finalised.

Henrietta Brealey, chief executive of GBCC, said: “I’m delighted to announce that 54 Hagley Road has been chosen as our new premises.

“Over recent months, we have worked closely with partners and key stakeholders to identify premises which will help fulfil our ongoing mission to connect, support and grow local businesses. I’d like to thank my colleagues, our board, presidents and committee members for their vital input during this exciting process.

“We have exchanged contracts on the new premises and will be formerly completing the move to our new building by the end of the year. Watch this space, we look forward to sharing further information over the coming months as details are finalised.

“Until then, I’d like to remind our customers and those firms that use our on premises services on a regular basis that Chamber House remains our main location.

“The move is part of our ambitious three-year business plan and strategy.

“It is a privilege to lead this organisation, which celebrates its 210th anniversary this year, as we continually evolve and grow our work with and on behalf of the city-region’s business community.”

Established in 1813, GBCC moved to Chamber of Commerce House in 1960 from the New Street headquarters it had occupied since 1916.

The offices were formally opened by the then paymaster general Lord Hills and a new reception area was opened by Prime Minister John Major in 1996.

GBCC has nearly 2,500 members.

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