Express & Star

'I've got big plans for the Black Country!' We meet the West Midlands' new mayor Richard Parker

The West Midlands’ new Mayor Richard Parker has vowed to focus on issues affecting people in the Black Country on his first official day in the job.


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He was welcomed by the West Midlands Combined Authority yesterday after putting an end to Andy Street’s seven-year reign.

In an exclusive interview with the Express & Star, he said that people in the Black Country have been 'overlooked' for too long and he'll have a particular focus on the region's youth who he believes are not afforded what they need to make a success of their life.

He also plans to have a mayoral base in the Black Country so that he can operate from it and have greater focus on the issues facing people who live in the area.

New West Midlands mayor Richard Parker said Black Country residents have been 'overlooked' for too long

Mr Parker takes the reins today after being selected as the West Midlands' Labour candidate for Mayor in April 2023 over Birmingham City councillor Nicky Brennan.

He successfully unseated Andy Street on Saturday, winning by 1,508 votes and ending the Conservative's seven-year stint in the city.