Express & Star

Not again! Wolverhampton named as one of UK's most miserable cities

Wolverhampton has been named one of the unhappiest places to live in the UK, according to a new report.


It has already been named the fifth worst city in the world and its people as the most miserable – but now it has been ranked fifth out of the 13 most unhappy places to live in the country.

The latest findings were made as part of a study by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), which found that the city's high level of unemployment was a main factor in the rating.

But some of the city's leading figures today jumped to its defence, saying they would not wish to live anywhere else.

Former mayor and Labour Councillor Milkinder Jaspal, who represents Heath Town ward, said: "I always question the criteria of these things.

"Just because people are unemployed doesn't necessarily mean they're unhappy. It doesn't surprise me at all as over the last few years we keep hearing about these studies.

"In my ward, the unemployment figures can be quite high, but the community has stayed the same. If they were unhappy they would move.

"I came over here in 1965 from India and came straight to Wolverhampton. I travel around a lot and everywhere has its good and bad points.

"I would say that, in order to be happy, people have to make the best of what they have - their circumstances and their way of life. That's my motto. I wouldn't live anywhere else."

Wolverhampton-born radio presenter Dicky Dodd said: "I think it's absolute rubbish. We've had all this come through before.

"These people that come out with these findings don't know anything about the city let alone live here.

"I've lived in the city all my life and without fail every morning when I walk down Dudley Street, people come over and say good morning. People wouldn't be so friendly and sociable if they were that unhappy.

"I think people like to knock Wolverhampton but they don't know who the Wolverhampton really are and what we're really like."

The unhappiest place to live according to the list was Corby in Northamptonshire.

The ONS asked people to rate on a scale of one to 10 how satisfied they were with their lives, to what extent they feel the things they do are worthwhile, how happy they felt yesterday and how anxious they felt yesterday.

According to the report, Wolverhampton has an issue with unemployment, with 'employment overall is not especially great in Wolverhampton, with only 63 per cent of people employed'.

The overall employment rate for the UK is near 75 per cent.

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