Express & Star

Campaign leads to more dog mess fines in Sandwell

Dozens of dog owners in Sandwell have been slapped with £75 fines since a hard-hitting poster campaign was launched.


Fifty-seven people have been given penalties after being caught not clearing up after their pet by Sandwell Council.

In February the council introduced posters with foul language and pictures of huge piles of dog mess in a bid to tackle irresponsible dog owners.

The authority used the phrase 'no s**t Sherlock', accompanied by an image of a dog in a deerstalker-hat sitting next to a pile of excrement.

Dog owners were threatened with £75 fines as part of a 'zero tolerance' approach to dog mess.

The posters were put up at parks around the borough as well known 'hot spots' to raise awareness and help tackle the problem.

Thousands of bags were also handed out to encourage owners to be more courteous to other

Councillor Maria Crompton, cabinet member for highways and the environment, said: "Since the launch of the campaign in February we have issued 57 fines for dog fouling which work out at around seven a month.

"We want to remind people to continue to report those not cleaning up after their dogs so they can be tracked down. Dog fouling is a big issue for Sandwell's residents and we are determined to tackle those committing dog fouling offences."

Last year, almost 800 reports of dog mess were reported, which prompted it to crack down on irresponsible owners.

The posters sparked mixed reactions with some people saying they were a good way to get the message across while others said they thought the language of the poster was going too far.

Anyone wanting to report a problem with dog mess can report it via the council's website or by calling 0845 359 7501.

People are asked to give specific details such as the time, date, location, description of dog and owner – so the mess can be cleaned up and those responsible can be tracked down.

It comes after figures for neighbouring borough Dudley were released by council bosses.

Over the past two financial years, a total of 111 people were given penalties.

Of those caught failing to caught up, five people over 2012/13 and 2013/14 were stopped in Leasowes Park in Halesowen .

Dog wardens also handed out fines in Mary Stevens Park in Norton, Wrens Nest Nature Reserve, George V Park in Wordsley and Buffery Park in Dudley

People were also caught in Stevens Park, Quarry Bank, and Silver Jubilee Park, in Coseley.

See also:

  • Dog mess posters causing a big stink in Sandwell

  • Dog mess campaign is in your face

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