£450? A lot of bread for a loaf in Wolverhampton!
Emblazoned across his receipt is the motto 'Saving you money every day'.

But a Wolverhampton man has been left out of pocket after he inadvertently paid £450 for a loaf of bread during a recent trip to his local supermarket.
John Brown, from Heath Town, was charged £453.19 for five items which should have cost less than a fiver during a visit to the ASDA on Jack Hayward Way.
The 37-year-old paid for the groceries using his debit card, and realised he had paid over the odds when he went to his bank three days later and noticed a hefty shortfall in his account.

The botched transaction left him unable to withdraw enough funds to pay for a car he was planning to buy.
"I only popped in to pick up a few items and decided to use one of the self-service checkouts so I didn't have to hang around waiting in a queue," said Mr Brown, who has been a customer of the store for more than seven years.
"I never thought to check my receipt, but a few days later I went to the bank to take out some money and noticed my account was well short."
After checking his bank statement Mr Brown was shocked to discover he had spent more than £450 on groceries.
The eggs cost him £1.50, the jam £1, one loaf of bread went through at 69p, but another at £450!
He said: "I knew I hadn't spent that much money on shopping. I had only bought some jam, eggs and two loaves of bread. Fortunately I had kept my receipt from ASDA which showed I had paid £450 for some sliced bread. I couldn't believe it.
"I intended to use the money in my account to buy a car but obviously that had to be put on hold because the money wasn't there."
Lauren Pell, spokesperson for ASDA, said the store would be offering Mr Brown a full refund. "A system glitch meant that the bread was scanned at the wrong price," she said. "It goes without saying that we're sorry for any inconvenience caused to Mr Brown. We have offered him a gesture of goodwill to treat himself on his next visit.
Mr Brown, who works for DX Courier Services in Tipton as a warehouseman, said despite the error, he still plans to continue to use the store.
Have you ever been mistakenly overcharged on an item while out shopping? Share you story below.