Express & Star

Wolverhampton fire control centre in £450k a year rent offer

A disused £10 million fire control centre in Wolverhampton that was abandoned before it was even finished has gone on the market for £450,000 a year.


A disused £10 million fire control centre in Wolverhampton that was abandoned before it was even finished has gone on the market for £450,000 a year.

Owners of the Zenith building at Wolverhampton Business Park had hoped to sell on to a private buyer, but have now opened the floor up to bids from the public to rent the 30,000 sq ft building.

It is being marketed by property advisory company GVA. Spokesman Stephen Osborne-Brown said: "This is now open to any inquries. The nature of the building means that it would be best suited for an emergency control centre, security company control room or something similar, so it will be a targeted marketing campaign. However we are open to inquiries from other parties."

He said GVA were expecting "significant interest" from businesses in these fields.

The building is owned by the Department for Communities and Local Government, who took over after the previous owners – Jersey-based Control Centre General Partner Limited – went into receivership earlier this year.

GVA have advertised the building, which is in the business park just off junction two of the M54, as incorporating office space and a double-height ontrol room suitable for a variety of uses.

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