Smethwick crime spot may be gated off
Plans to install gates at an anti-social behaviour hotspot in Smethwick are set to be rubber-stamped by Sandwell Council's cabinet.

Plans to install gates at an anti-social behaviour hotspot in Smethwick are set to be rubber-stamped by Sandwell Council's cabinet.
Residents in Awefields Crescent have asked for the gates after a spate of attempted break-ins and crime.
The borough's safety chief, Councillor Derek Rowley, has already approved the scheme, set for cabinet backing on Wednesday.
Police have been called to the road 22 times in a period of 18 months and, additionally, a number of attempts to break in to elderly and vulnerable residents' homes have been reported.
The report which was approved by Councillor Rowley, stated: "The local police are in support of the application stating a belief that the gates should see a decrease in crime and anti-social behaviour in the area."