Express & Star

Wolves Fans' Verdict v Brentford: A complete performance

Our Wolves fans have their say on the win over Brentford.


Clive Smith

We’re not counting chickens but no-one is underestimating the feel good factor coming from our last two games. There were similarities with the Chelsea game, as a lot of what we showed, and did well then, we managed to repeat against Brentford.

A ‘proper’ looking number nine leading the line was the key. Its been a long time since we last saw that. We may have expected Toney (why is he still allowed to play given his rap sheet?) to be a key figure but it was not so and with Lemina again protecting the back four diligently he was only on the periphery of the game.

We showed a nice balance between hard work, closing down, tackling but also passing combinations that were not all in our own third and not only looked good on the eye but were effective.

There is still room for improvement obviously, passing in the final third for example, but if we can maintain this form and find room to fit Neves in then the omens are good.

Costa deserves MOTM, while Kilman, Dawson, Gomes and Toti all played well. We should also not forget two excellent saves Sa made late on which made up for his poor distribution. Lopetegui rotated his squad as usual and again it paid off with Hwang making us all less nervous for the last 10 minutes.

Rob Cartwright

After last week’s exhilarating performance against Chelsea, we made our way to Molineux with some trepidation. Thomas Frank’s Brentford were in town; the master of the ‘dark arts’ never more dangerous when under pressure.

We needn’t have worried, as we started just where we left off last week. Winning the midfield battles and playing forward in numbers. It’s great to see Nunes play with so much freedom and confidence to take on players, with the ball at his feet. Gomes and Lemina were both excellent again. Sarabia had a great game too.

Nine shots on target by Wolves is certainly the way forward. It wasn’t all one way though and Toney and Dasilva both could have scored. The clean sheet is vital and Dawson and Kilman were both excellent and largely kept Toney very quiet.

Lemina and Costa both could have added further goals. Cunha shot when Gomes was well placed to receive the cut back.

Big shout out for Costa who was immense throughout this game. He set up the move leading to his goal, though was fortunate to get the rebound so nicely set up.

Nunes set up the second which Hwang scored with his first touch, after coming on.

Lopetegui sealed the win by immediately bringing on Moutinho and Traore. Great game management, with both players having a good impact in the final 20 minutes.

My man of the match was Nunes, again.

The referee managed the game well, but I must question two decisions.

Having booked Jensen in the first half, for pulling back Nunes, he did exactly the same foul at the start of second half. The ref gave a free kick but should have shown a second yellow. It was exactly the same foul on the same player!

Further, having watched the Toti penalty claim a few times, I cannot see how this was not given as a penalty before referral to VAR? I was amazed that VAR did not suggest a second look on the touch line.

Thankfully, these decisions did not impact the result.

So, we have gone from “having no team without Neves” to wondering if he will get his place back next week, after suspension. It’s a funny old game and I don’t know what I would do. Let’s hope Lopetegui gets the call right.

Adam Virgo

A fantastic performance that really earned the three points. Up there with one of the best performances this season for sure, it felt like we were in complete control from start to finish with everyone putting in a huge shift with and without the ball.

Back-to-back wins and clean sheets isn’t always easy in this league but it’s nice to see some solidarity at the moment and a bit of consistency in how we are playing. The last two games have been brilliant.

The addition of Toti in at left back has made a huge difference, he’s been so assured defensively but also done a decent job when he’s got forward too.

The midfield three have all been exceptional, off the ball not afraid to get stuck in and when we have got it they’re able to make things happen. It’s a difficult one for Lopetegui with Neves coming back next week because does he bench him or start him over one of Lemina, Nunes or Joao Gomes?

It was a great moment seeing Diego Costa score his first goal since joining. You can tell how much it meant to him and how badly the fans have wanted him to score. That was clearly shown in the celebrations and the aftermath. He had a really good game too, unlucky not to get another one and hopefully his goal will boost his confidence in the upcoming games.

The second goal was all about Matheus Nunes’ run, which was outstanding. When you thought he was about to become stuck with two Brentford players on him, he puts the ball through Rico Henry’s legs sending him back to his Walsall days and creates a goal from it. Hwang deserves some credit for his determination and being in the right place at the right time after they partially cleared it and what’s what he has given us since Lopetegui came in.

Another huge step in the right direction and getting closer to staying up. We are in a good position right now but we can’t afford to let these standards slip, what we have seen these last two games needs to continue and we will get more positive results. Leicester is a big game next week, they’re on a horrific run but if we play like we have done these last two weeks, we can go there and get another three points.

John Lalley

Welcome home. All too often we’ve squandered the advantage of playing at Molineux in vital games this season. Wasted opportunities with the promise of dire consequences. But with the pressure mounting significantly after the ponderous effort at Forest, Wolves contrary as ever and perverse in the extreme, produce quality back to back performances flying in the face of logic.

Wolves simply and efficiently picked up the baton from last week; two top London outfits convincingly beaten and a rare glow of accomplishment and satisfaction wafting pleasantly across all four sides of Molineux.

The delightful denouement in stoppage time sealed the deal; Jose Sa pointedly and with exaggerated relish indulged himself in a flagrant spot of time wasting. The irony was lost on no-one, not least on the Brentford coach Thomas Frank one suspects who presided over a masterclass of football filibustering here last year that would have tested even the patience of Job.

Sa must have chuckled to himself when he glimpsed at the glum faces occupying the Brentford dug-out, and reckoned that indeed, revenge is a dish best served cold!

Not that Wolves needed anything underhand to win this game. They excelled throughout the team with each individual once again taking full responsibility just as they had against Chelsea. Nobody passed the buck, no easy options were taken and where uncertainties were previously proliferating, not a soul took a backward step.

The defensive system seems dramatically rejuvenated; compact, organised and solid with Max Kilman bestriding the pitch like a colossus. Highly pleasant recollections of Frank Munro sprung to mind and that’s praise indeed! Craig Dawson excelled once more and saved up a monumentally thundering second-half tackle to shake the bones of a frustrated Ivan Toney. Creditably, Toney made no fuss, got up and got on with it but he knew that this was not to be his day.

With Semedo sustaining his recent improvement and the admirable Toti Gomes once again ultra-competitive, the entire team gained in confidence.

The indefatigable midfield axis of Lemina and Joao Gomes both ploughed through a stunning workload apiece freeing Matheus Nunes to further showcase his talents. After last week’s epic, this time he skilfully slalomed around a host of tightly marking defenders and extricated himself with grace and elasticity to lay on the decisive second goal. When this kind of inspiration fires him, you reckon Nunes could safely pick daisies in a minefield!

Loved young Joao’s reaction when he was substituted too; the coach’s decision must be respected of course but the Brazilian was seething. He wanted to finish the job he had started and saw no reason as to why he had to make way. The fire burns in his belly alright; quite a prospect!

And up front, it’s difficult to think of a more popular recent goalscorer than Diego Costa. Whilst Joao Moutinho might seek to compensate for ageing legs with increased subtlety, Diego settles for a more abrasive approach. Until his lungs started to object to their exertions, he led the line with typical physical belligerence and topped off an excellent performance with that long-awaited goal. There was a touch of good fortune but he thoroughly deserved it. He can’t get from A to B as rapidly as he did at his swaggering best, but his instinct for the battle hasn’t faded one iota. Lovely to see him get off the mark!

This was a significant week for us; six points precious beyond measure and deservedly earned with a couple of excellent displays when the heat was well and truly on. Reserves of character were displayed that some of us thought might not exist; let’s finish the job!

James Pugh

What a complete performance. Thomas Frank describing it as ‘marginal’ makes less sense than the penalty decision. Every single player did their job to a great standard. Sa, Kilman, Semedo, Leminia, everyone!

If I could’ve picked two players who deserve a goal the most, it would be Costa and Hwang. Hwang has had a tough season after the Newcastle mistake and his unfortunate injury, but I still have a soft spot for him. He chases everything down and he never looks out of place in the team.

Diego Costa is an interesting one because generally I’ve been mostly unimpressed with him, despite the Wolves faithful being mesmerised. Yes he is a legend of the game but generally he slows the play down and makes decisions that I expect a 34-year-old striker to make. My attitude was that the end of the day, we need goals, and he hasn’t been providing that.

However, the last few games have made me eat my words. Even though he’s still slow, his link up play has been fantastic and he has caused problems. He is thriving in a front two and has just had his best game in a Wolves shirt.

The midfield was fantastic too, none of them made a mistake and for the first time since University I feel optimistic about a future without Ruben Neves. I went on holiday to Brazil a few weeks ago and every single Flemengo fan who recognised the logo on my 1996 wolves away shirt came up to me and explained to me why we have just signed the next Casimero in Gomes.

While I originally thought it was the Caipirinhas talking, I am now fully on board with their compliments.

All the defenders did their job, especially Dawson (that block!) and Toti. I am genuinely trying to remember when Toti every had a bad game for us, and he’s still so young. He is certainly one of the most versatile and reliable squad players we have. He was my man of the match last week and he was unlucky not to get an “assist” this week.

To summarise; more of that against Leicester and we can start looking up the table instead of down.