Express & Star

'Boxing gyms are a lifeline for the community' - Hall of Fame boxer visits Wolverhampton boxing club in effort to help save lives

A boxing legend visited a Wolverhampton boxing club in an effort to talk to youths about the knife crime epidemic.


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Former Lightweight Champion of the World & International Boxing Hall of Fame Legend Ray ‘Boom Boom’ Mancini visited the Wolverhampton Boxing Club on Wednesday.

While visiting, he spoke to the group of boxers in an effort to help promote the advantages of boxing, how it helps to keep children off the streets and away from the dangers of joining a gang.

He also spent time coaching, and speaking to aspiring champions in the city who hope to mirror the title-winning champ's impressive career.

Left to right: Boxer Jermaine Osbourne Edwards, Hall of Fame fighter Ray 'Boom Boom' Mancini and club owner Richie Carter

The visit was set up by boxing promoter Scott Murray, who brought ‘Boom Boom’ Mancini over to the UK to see Richie Carter’s Wolverhampton Boxing Club, prior to the Boxing Legend hosting The Excelsior Sporting Club professional boxing Dinner Show at the Premier Suite Cannock, in Cannock on Thursday night.

Speaking on the visit, Richard Carter, 53, said: "We want to try and do something to help the knife crime problem in the city, it's really getting out of hand.

"Boxing clubs can really help people, they're a place where we can help young people get out of a hard time and bring them into something productive.

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