Express & Star

Charity wins award for improving the lives of those with disabilities

The head of a lifeline Wyre Forest charity has won an award for improving the lives of people with disabilities.

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Community Transport Wyre Forest Beverley Coldrick receives her No Barriers Award from Councillor Fran Oborski

Beverley Coldrick, chief officer of Community Transport Wyre Forest (CTWF), received the award for improving access to services and opportunities for people.

It was one of 12 awards presented at Wyre Forest House on Thursday recognising local businesses, organisations and individuals that have provided significant access, service or employment possibilities for people with disabilities.

They also celebrated those who have given particular consideration for the wider needs of people within the community, for example nursing mothers.

Trudi Elliott, trustees’ chair at CTWF, said: “We know how hard Bev works and how totally dedicated she is, so it’s fantastic that she’s received this public recognition.

“She really does go the extra mile, whether that’s defrosting the minibuses or driving herself when short of volunteers, to ensure disabled and elderly people can access medical and social appointments and live independent and fulfilled lives, free from isolation.”

Organised by Wyre Forest District Council, the first No Barriers Awards were held in 2008, having been set up in memory of Councillor Mike Oborski, who initiated the project.

His widow Councillor Fran Oborski, panel awards chair, who presented the awards, said: “It was a wonderful evening celebrating the contribution our fabulous winners make to providing an inclusive community. They enhance the lives of others and I hope they know how much we appreciate what they do.”

She added: “We also hope that by highlighting the wonderful things they are doing it will encourage others to do the same.”

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