Express & Star

Plan for houses on pub site to be thrown out

Planning bosses are set to quash proposals to tear down an 'iconic' Walsall pub and replace it with luxury housing.

The Three Crowns Inn

Walsall Council’s planning committee is set to throw out the application to demolish the derelict Three Crowns Inn on Sutton Road and replace it with seven five-bedroom detached properties.

The 1930s-build pub had been vacant for more than a decade but the proposal has divided the community with people coming out both in favour and against the plan.

It has lain empty since 2007 and provoked concerns due to an illegal car wash operation on site, which is currently subject to ongoing enforcement action.

People in support of redevelopment have told planning officers that they are 'fed up' with the derelict building and fear further deterioration could make it more dangerous.

But, despite its current condition, people objecting to the application described it as 'iconic' and added there was no justification for the loss of a public house that had not been marketed properly.

Some residents also argued it was an 'outstanding example of a thirties roadhouse and is of historical and social importance'.


Conservation officers have also said the non-designated heritage asset is based in the green belt near to the Great Barr Conservation Area.

In his report, planning officer Paul Hinton said: “It is considered that the proposed demolition of this undesignated heritage asset has not been justified and the proposed development would adversely impact upon the setting of the Great Barr Conservation Area.

“By virtue of the increased footprint and volume over and above the existing building the proposal is inappropriate development in the green belt for which no very special circumstances, sufficient to outweigh the harm to the character, openness and purpose of the green belt have been demonstrated.

“The proposal would have an urbanising effect by creating urban sprawl on this part of the countryside which would be contrary to the purpose and character.

“Furthermore it would conflict with urban regeneration by developing a greenfield site rather than recycling previously developed land.

“The loss of trees and hedgerows and encroachment of gardens onto the pasture land also alters the appearance of the site and adversely affects the character of the green belt.

“The development would result in the loss of the Three Crowns site of importance for nature conservation.

“There are no strategic benefits to the development that clearly outweigh the importance of protecting this nature conservation site and no mitigation strategy has been provided to compensate for the loss of this area.”

By Gurdip Thandi, Local Democracy Reporter