Shroud of Turin copy on display at Brewood church - PICTURES and VIDEO
A replica of the Shroud of Turin – one of Christianity’s most famous relics – is on display at a local church.

The original cloth is alleged to be the burial shroud of Jesus Christ – and now a copy of the controversial relic is on display in Brewood.
It comes as part of The Exhibition of the Cross, the Resurrection and the Shroud of Turin at St Mary and St Chad Church.

Pam Moon, who is the wife of Reverend Phil Moon, explained why it was so important to have the display. She said: “The exhibition tells the story of the passion of Jesus using the Shroud of Turin as the aid. We also have Roman nails, a whip and crown of thorns.It is probably the only travelling display in the UK. There will be boards to explain what it means. It engages us with all sorts of things including architecture, history and science.”
The original shroud, made from linen, shows a man with a beard, with his hands crossed and injuries to his wrists and ankles, which are believed to be the wounds from crucifixion.
For hundreds of years there has been a debate over the shroud’s origins and authenticity, with supporters believing it was the burial cloth used to cover Jesus after his death.
The origins of the shroud are the subject of intense debate among theologians, historians and researchers.
Earlier this year, experts revealed that the Shroud of Turin showed signs of blood from a victim of torture – supporting claims it was used to bury Jesus.
Mrs Moon continued: “It poses a lot of intriguing questions. Is it as medieval as it suggests?
“It depicts suffering but brings a lot of modern day relevance too – how violence is a choice.
“The image on the shroud shows how badly beaten the body was but the face has remained serene.
“We are extremely blessed that we have this exhibition now and that school children and visitors can come and take a look.
“Its up to the individual to look at it and make up their own mind on what it means to them.
“Most people can’t afford to go to Turin, so they can come here and see it reproduced close up.
“It is emotional and thought provoking.”
The display will be open to visitors weekday mornings and this weekend from 9am to 6pm.
The original shroud is kept in the royal chapel of the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Turin, northern Italy.
The exhibition runs until Wednesday.