Express & Star

Former councillor becomes Honorary Alderman

A former district councillor who lost his seat at this month’s elections will now become an Honorary Alderman.


Gerald Molineux, who represented Brereton and Ravenhill as a Liberal Democrat member, served on Cannock Chase Council from 2002-2018 and 2019-2023 – 20 years in total.

But he was unsuccessful in his bid to keep his seat earlier this month and it was won by Labour’s Carl Boulton. Speaking on Wednesday Mr Molineux said some local residents were in tears at the news of his defeat.

He added: “I’ve been working for the community for 20-odd years, but it’s the way the voting goes. It’s hard going away from it – it’s been my life.”

As well as being a district councillor and serving on several committees over the years, Mr Molineux was a member of Brereton and Ravenhill Parish Council for 19 years and a Rugeley Town Councillor. His work for the community has included helping to run Rugeley’s annual Charter Fair and distributing meals to older members of the community.

On Wednesday Cannock Chase Council voted to confer the title of Honorary Alderman on Mr Molineux in recognition of his “eminent service to the council”. He will be presented with a certificate of recognition at the next full council meeting and will be able to attend and take part in civic ceremonies.

Councillors across the chamber and political spectrum paid tribute to their former colleague at Wednesday’s meeting. Fellow Liberal Democrat Paul Fisher – now the party’s only remaining representative on the council – described him as a “thoroughly decent chap”.

He added: “He has worked hard for this council and extremely hard for Brereton and Ravenhill. More recently I have had the pleasure of working with him in the community over the last three years, where we have been out and about meeting many people, doing an excellent job which has been recognised in Brereton.

“I don’t see him as a councillor – I see him as a decent friend. I was seriously ill three years ago and when I came out of a coma I had a person holding my hand, which shows what sort of a guy he is.”

The council’s new Labour leader Tony Johnson said: “He is held in high esteem throughout the chamber. Thank you for all the work you have done for the people of Brereton and Ravenhill.”

Conservative opposition group leader Olivia Lyons said: “Thank you on behalf of residents for everything you have done. When I first stood for the council he helped me out and when we have worked on things in Rugeley together he has been incredibly dedicated.”

Green Party cabinet member Andrea Muckley said: “Hopefully this isn’t the last we see of Gerald. He was a great councillor and someone we would all love to be, someone who loves helping people.”

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