Express & Star

Black Country Living Museum to celebrate night of industrial heritage with ‘Red by Night’ event

Sparks will fly and steam will roar as Black Country Living Museum celebrates a night of industrial heritage.

The Black Country Living Museum

Famously described as ‘black by day and red by night’, the Black Country played a pivotal role in the Industrial Revolution and Britain’s national story.

To celebrate this legacy, the museum in Dudley will be opening its doors after hours for its ‘Red by Night’ event on March 24 and 25 for an atmospheric evening of live entertainment, industrial demonstrations, steam action and living history.

Visitors can discover what it was like to live in one of Britain’s most heavily industrialised landscapes.

They can hear the sound of hammers clanging and watch demonstrations of centuries-old techniques skilfully crafting chains, nails and even anchors.

The mighty Anchor Forge will be in full steam, with its one-ton hammer smashing into metal with a thunderous roar.

People can discover the Newcomen Engine house and find out about Thomas Newcomen and his ingenious invention.

There will be an array of road-based steam engines, large and miniature, as well as fire-breathing entertainers and live music.

Tickets cost from £8.

For more information or to book online visit

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