Express & Star

Summer meetings

There is an agreement that the Wolverhampton United Ex-service Council (WUEC) and the Central branch of the Royal British Legion (RBL) each take a month off from meeting during summer.


This year the WUEC had no meeting in July, while the RBL had a clear month. This arrangement means that there is one group 'on duty' throughout the year. As we have had VJ Day and the two Bilston Remembered parades and services, plus contributions from myself and Mick at the Black Country Memories club closing event for their World War One exhibition, since the last time we met, there was quite a bit to discuss.

The Black Country Memories Club exhibition was apparently a great success, and we had a lot of praise for our part in the closing where Mick and I both read pieces before there was a short parade by the Darlaston Air Cadets and a last post with dipped standards. I saw an odd tear, so it must have gone well.

Our next services are to remember the Battle of Britain, one Sunday we'll be at RAF Cosford and the other will be at the RAFA club on Goldthorn Hill.

We don't just do remembrance services, I am a poet and writer, so we attend social groups where people share their writing – and sometimes other peoples'. In the last week of August we went to Purple Penumbra, a group of people who meet in the foyer of the Barlow Theatre in Langley. We have people such as Al Barz, Ian Henery, Billy Spakemon, John Langford and many more amongst our regulars, making for a good evening out.

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