Express & Star

Plan to 'pause' controversial Wolverhampton junction changes after resident protest rejected

The plan to stop the controversial alterations to a major Wolverhampton junction has been rejected.

Protesters gathered at Tettenhall Pool on Sunday

Hundreds of residents turned out to protest against the plans to prevent right turns at Rock Junction which will send traffic down residential roads.

Fears about traffic backing up for miles, speeding cars, increased accidents are just some of the worries of the residents.

Tettenhall Councillor Udey Singh submitted a motion to delay the plan to give residents longer to discuss the plans to Wednesday's full Wolverhampton Council,

However, the motion which called for "a pause on all progress relating to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) at The Rock junction

"Conduct a public meeting on the issue, with all residents of the Tettenhall Wightwick and Tettenhall Regis wards able to attend."

However, the leader of the council Councillor Stephen Simkins refused to allow the motion to be put forward to the council.