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Teen who ate nothing but chicken nuggets for 14 years finally cured of eating disorder

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She's suffered with an eating disorder that left her obsessed with chicken nuggets since she was two - eating countless of the snacks in her lifetime.


Hannah Pound, aged 16, has scoffed nothing but chicken nuggets and chips for dinner since she was just two years old.

But now she's finally beaten her disorder - thanks to the help of a hypnotherapist.

Hannah, from Kingswinford, has grown up with Selective Eating Disorder (SED) – and since refusing to try new foods as a toddler she has struggled to stomach even the most basic food.

As she got older, she got stuck in a rigid eating routine and would eat nothing but toast for breakfast and lunch, and chicken nuggets and chips for her main meal.

But after spending nearly her whole life eating the same food, Hannah has finally been able to eat a normal dinner.

Hannah felt sick when she tried to eat foods other than chicken nuggets

"I don't remember why it happened because I was very young, but the first time I remember it affecting me was when I was at my nan's," said Hannah, who is an A Level student.

"At first my parents thought it was a fussy eating phase, but it wouldn't go away.

"Every time I tried to try something new it made me sick – I couldn't physically put it to my mouth, I would shake and cry and end up wretching.

"As I got older, the thought of getting invited out for meals terrified me, it was horrific.

"I tried to keep it hidden from my friends at school – it was hard to explain it to them and really embarrassing.

Hannah was unable to go out for meals because she would become too anxious

"If I ever was brave enough to go somewhere I was always checking the menu, and if nuggets weren't on the menu, I was too embarrassed to go.

"People stopped inviting me out in the end, because they knew I'd always say no – but I didn't tell them about my SED so they didn't know why.

"I was very isolated and alone, but my anxiety was too much and I didn't know how to change."

Hannah's worried parents, Michaela and Alan, hoped she'd grow out of her fussy eating – but as it carried on into her teens they knew it was more serious.

HR manager Michaela, 47, who also has a nine-year-old son, Ethan, said: "She's been suffering since she was two – ever since she's been eating solid food really.

Hannah can now eat a whole range of new foods

"As a toddler she'd eat homemade dinners blended up, she was quite adventurous at first."The breaking point came when Hannah was invited to a friend's 16th birthday party – but when she discovered it was being held at a smokehouse restaurant she burst into tears and knew she wouldn't be able to go.

In a desperate last attempt to find someone to help cure Hannah, the family discovered hypnotherapist David Kilmurry.

Incredibly, Hannah has now ditched the chicken nuggets and can now eat a whole range of new foods – and she's been able to have her first balanced meal in 14 years.

Hannah added: "My life up until now has been on hold because of my SED – now I feel like I can start living properly."

Hypnotherapist David Kilmurry said: "Hannah came in with the right attitude, and deserves a huge pat on the back - anyone with the same condition can easily make a change like Hannah did."

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