Express & Star

Internationally renowned art coming to Weston Park

An exhibition will feature work from internationally renowned artists at Weston Park.

Works in the Granary Art Gallery by Ged Quinn and Ryan Gander. Photo Stefan Handy

The event will be held at the venue on the Shropshire Staffordshire border, and has been curated by Ludlow based arts organisation, Meadow Arts.

It will include pieces based on the theme, Synthetic Landscapes, Reviewing the ‘Ideal’ Landscape.

Work will include Pablo Bronstein, who created a widely acclaimed performance artwork at Tate Britain last year, and was inspired by Weston Park’s architectural history to make a new work for its Walled Garden.

The piece, called Chinese Bridges in the Landscape, is intended to play with the audience’s perception.

Artist duo Heather and Ivan Morison have created a sculpture using scagliola, a material and technique used in Georgian houses.

Their piece is described as evoking “feelings of opulence and excess, beauty and desire”.

Upcoming artist David Bethell was inspired by Capability Brown’s landscape at Weston Park and the influence of Thomas Telford’s part in the Industrial Revolution to build a wooden ‘contraption’, part carriage, part machine, which was filmed as he moved it around Weston’s gardens until it disintegrated.

The pieces were remade into two halves of a bridge, one half is at Weston Park and the other half will be shown with the film at Shrewsbury Museum & Art gallery, in an exhibition which opens on June 24.

Huge paintings, sculptural work, drawings, animation and collages can be seen in the accompanying exhibition in the Granary Art Gallery, and more works in the gardens will be shown in the idiosyncratic garden bothies, small buildings that historically were used by Weston Park’s gardeners.

The whole exhibition is inspired by the impact people have had on the landscape, from the beauty of Capability Brown’s land designs and James Paine’s architecture.

The exhibition will be open at Weston Park from June 4 to September 3.