Express & Star

Thousands gather to mark Srebrenica massacre and bury victims

The Srebrenica killings were the bloody crescendo of Bosnia’s 1992-95 war, which came after the break-up of Yugoslavia unleashed nationalist violence.

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Bosnia Srebrenica Anniversary

Thousands of people have converged on the Bosnian town of Srebrenica to mark the 27th anniversary of Europe’s only acknowledged genocide since the Holocaust and to attend the funerals of 50 recently identified victims.

As mourners from around Bosnia and the world arrived, families of victims were preparing to rebury their loved ones and maybe find some closure after the decades-long search for their remains in mass graves scattered around the town.

Idriz Mustafic was in Srebrenica to bury the partial remains of his son Salim, who was only 16 when he was murdered in the July 1995 massacre, along with thousands of other men and boys from the Bosniak ethnic group, which is primarily Muslim.

Bosnia Srebrenica Anniversary
There are 50 newly identified victims of the genocide (Armin Durgut/AP)

“My older son, Enis, was also killed; we buried him in 2005. Now I am burying Salim,” Mr Mustafic said.

“(Forensic experts) have not found his skull, (but) my wife got cancer and had to undergo surgery, we just couldn’t wait any longer to bury the bones that we found, to at least know where their graves are,” he added.

The Srebrenica killings were the bloody crescendo of Bosnia’s 1992-95 war, which came after the break-up of Yugoslavia unleashed nationalist violence and territorial ambitions that set Bosnian Serbs against the country’s two other main ethnic factions — Croats and Bosniaks.

In July 1995, at least 8,000 Bosniak males from Srebrenica were separated by Serb troops from their wives, mothers and sisters, chased through woods around the eastern town and killed.

The perpetrators ploughed their victims’ bodies into hastily made mass graves which they later dug up with bulldozers and scattered among other burial sites to hide the evidence of the crime.

During the process, the half-decomposed remains were ripped apart by bulldozers, so body parts are still being found in mass graves around Srebrenica and being put together and identified through DNA analysis.

When the remains are identified, they are returned to their relatives and reburied in the Potocari memorial centre and cemetery, just outside Srebrenica, each July 11 — the anniversary of the day the killing began in 1995.

Mana Ademovic, who lost her husband and many other male relatives in the massacre, was among those attending the commemoration ceremonies in Srebrenica on Monday.

She found her husband’s partial remains and reburied him years ago but said she “must be in Srebrenica every July 11″.

Bosnia Srebrenica Anniversary
Graves at the memorial centre in Potocari (Armin Durgut/AP)

“It is easier when you have a grave to visit, no matter how many bones are buried inside,” she said, sitting among the graves at the vast and still-expanding memorial cemetery, hugging her husband’s white marble headstone.

But “it is impossible to describe how one feels imagining how (massacre victims) suffered” before their death, she added.

So far, the remains of more than 6,600 people have been found and buried at the cemetery.

In the two previous years, only a relatively small number of survivors were allowed to attend the annual commemoration service and collective funeral of victims in Srebrenica – due to the Covid-19 pandemic – but with restrictions lifted, tens of thousands are expected to attend this year, including numerous international diplomats and dignitaries.

The Srebrenica killings were the only episode of the Bosnian war to be legally defined as genocide.

Radovan Karadzic
Radovan Karadzic (PA)

Bosnian Serb wartime political leader Radovan Karadzic and his military commander, Ratko Mladic, were convicted and sentenced for genocide in Srebrenica by a UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague.

In all, the tribunal and courts in the Balkans have sentenced nearly 50 Bosnian Serb wartime officials to more than 700 years in prison for the Srebrenica killings.

Bosnian Serb leaders continue to downplay or even deny the 1995 massacre and celebrate Karadzic and Mladic as heroes.

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