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Joe Biden names aides who will help him pick would-be vice-president

The Democratic presumptive nominee has pledged to pick a woman in the number two role.

White House

Joe Biden has named four people to head his vice presidential vetting team, starting the search for his running mate in earnest.

Former Connecticut senator Chris Dodd, Delaware Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and Apple executive and longtime Biden aide Cynthia Hogan will serve as co-chairmen and women on the committee.

They will work with a vetting teams led by former White House counsel Bob Bauer, campaign general counsel Dana Remus and former homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco to evaluate Mr Biden’s options and collect information on each candidate to help him make his decision.

“Selecting a vice presidential candidate is one of the most important decisions in a presidential campaign and no one knows this more than Joe Biden,” Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon said in a statement.

Election 2020 Biden Allegations
Joe Biden has pledged to pick a woman as his vice-presidential candidate (Matt Rourke/PA)

“These four co-chairs reflect the strength and diversity of our party, and will provide tremendous insight and expertise to what will be a rigorous selection and vetting process.”

Mr Biden, a former vice president himself, has committed to picking a woman and has told donors his team is thinking about naming his running mate far in advance of the August Democratic convention.

Mr Biden has offered some hints about his thinking.

He frequently says he is looking for someone who’s “simpatico with where I want to take the country.”

Elizabeth Warren has been touted as a possible running mate (Steven Senne/AP)
Elizabeth Warren has been touted as a possible running mate (Steven Senne/AP)

He has also said he can easily name 12 to 15 women who meet his criteria but would likely seriously consider from six to 11 candidates.

Mr Biden has given no indication of whether he will look to the Senate, where he spent six terms, to governors or elsewhere.

Those believed to be potential picks include some of Biden’s former primary opponents, such as senators Kamala Harris of California and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, as well as some women outside Washington, including Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer and former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.

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