Express & Star

First Minister to lead SNP’s first national day of action

John Swinney will join SNP activists to celebrate the party’s ‘record in government.’

General Election campaign 2024

The First Minister will lead a “day of action” for the SNP as the first weekend of General Election campaigning begins.

John Swinney will be travelling around Scotland as he and other party leaders make their case.

He is expected to discuss the SNP’s end to tuition fees, the doubling of NHS funding, the Scottish Child Payment, free bus travel for young, and disabled and elderly people, and baby boxes.

Ahead of the national day of action, Mr Swinney said: “I am proud to stand on the SNP’s record in government and to contrast it with the record of the Westminster parties.”

He added: “We have managed to achieve so much in the face of 14 years of Westminster austerity because we are the only party that will always put Scotland first – and which is focused on people’s priorities.

“But just imagine how much more we could achieve if all decisions about Scotland were made in Scotland, rather than by Westminster parties for whom Scotland will always be an afterthought and who are both doubling down on austerity and cuts.

“This General Election is the opportunity to put Scotland first and unite behind an alternative to austerity and the SNP’s message of hope – protecting the NHS, tackling the cost-of-living crisis and eradicating child poverty.”

Elsewhere in Scotland tomorrow, Scottish Liberal Democrats leader Alex Cole-Hamilton and Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar will lead separate campaigns.

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