Express & Star

‘Captain’ Johnson on ‘shore leave’ amid cost-of-living crisis, says Tory peer

Asda chairman Lord Rose criticised the ‘horrifying’ state of inaction amid the Tory leadership race to become the next prime minister.

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Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson is facing criticism for a lack of action while holidaying as rising food prices pushed inflation to another 40-year high.

Asda chairman Lord Rose criticised a “horrifying” absence of fresh support on Wednesday, saying: “The captain of the ship is on shore leave – nobody is in charge at the moment.”

The Conservative peer questioned when an emergency budget will be brought forward as he warned that “inflation isn’t sitting there waiting for us” as the cost-of-living crisis deepened.

Labour accused Mr Johnson of having “bailed on the country” as figures from the Office for National Statistics showed the Consumer Prices Index measure of inflation reached 10.1% last month.

Lord Rose
Lord Rose said the lack of action is ‘horrifying’ (Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA)

But Chancellor Nadhim Zahawi insisted the Treasury is “working night and day” to prepare options for the next prime minister, as Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak fight it out for the Tory leadership and the keys to Number 10.

The increase in inflation was largely attributed to a spike in food prices and staples including toilet rolls and toothbrushes.

Criticism of Mr Johnson mounted as No 10 refused to say whether he will spend his last weeks as Prime Minister living at his grace-and-favour home, Chequers.

He was spotted holidaying with wife Carrie Johnson in Greece after their honeymoon to Slovenia, and his final months in post have also included a Typhoon fighter jet trip and a belated wedding party in the Cotswolds.

Lord Rose, a former chief at Marks & Spencer, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “We’ve got to have some action. The captain of the ship is on shore leave – nobody is in charge at the moment.

“Nothing is happening. We’re sitting here now, into the fourth month of the crisis, and we’re still waiting to see what action will be taken – it’s horrifying.”

UK inflation rate
(PA Graphics)

The peer called for fresh targeted action to help “those who need it most” as he warned the nation is “heading towards a recession”.

Removal vans have been seen taking belongings from Downing Street during the Tory leadership race to replace Mr Johnson ahead of his exit on September 6.

Deputy Labour leader Angela Rayner said: “Boris Johnson has once again left Britain in an inexcusable mess.

“He has abdicated his responsibility and bailed on the country, leaving those vying for his job scrapping it out amongst themselves but deafeningly silent on solutions to the challenges our country faces.

“While the British people face a dire cost-of-living crisis, this zombie Conservative Government increasingly resembles a scene from the Night Of The Living Dead.”

Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, has demanded a £29 billion package to stop energy bills further soaring this winter, to be paid for in part by an extension of the windfall levy on oil and gas giants’ profits.

UK historic inflation rate
(PA Graphics)

But Tory leadership contender Ms Truss rejected the plan, seemingly dismissing it as a “sticking plaster” approach as she pledges tax cuts to boost growth.

Mr Zahawi said there is a “real problem” with the Labour plans, saying their “numbers are out” and they would be “rewarding people like me who are the wealthier end of the spectrum”.

The Chancellor said he is preparing options for the next prime minister to “hit the ground running”, as he insisted the Government is not missing in action.

During a visit to a holiday club in south-east London, he said: “I don’t agree with that, nor do I recognise it. The moment I walked into the Treasury on July 5, I gathered my top leadership team.

“We are working night and day to make sure we get this done and have all the options for the incoming prime minister for more help for both households that are really struggling and for small businesses.”

Ms Truss, the Foreign Secretary, and her leadership rival Mr Sunak, a former chancellor, are expected to face questions over the economy during a hustings in Belfast.

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