Express & Star

Stourbridge MP given honour by Liz Truss defends former PM against criticism

Stourbridge MP Suzanne Webb has been defending Liz Truss after the former Conservative Prime Minister handed her an OBE.

Suzanne Webb, Conservative MP for Stourbridge. Photo: Birmingham Council

Ms Webb was one of 11 people to be given a gong by her ex-boss, who was ousted in 2022 by Tory MPs after just 49 days in Downing Street.

The honour, which was part of Ms Truss’s resignation list, caused controversy after complaints that the last PM was not in office long enough to claim the right to make awards.

Responding to criticism on social media, Ms Webb said: “I think how she has done it has been very well done bearing in mind the optics perceived by some.

“She only put forward 11 names and of course in my case, it is for work recognised in International Trade which goes back sometime – the PM signs it off and the King, if it wasn’t considered to be of merit it would not have seen the light of day.”

The award has not impressed Ms Webb’s biggest political rival in Stourbridge, Labour’s prospective parliamentary candidate, Councillor Cat Eccles.

Councillor Eccles, who has been selected to stand against Ms Webb in the next general election, said: “I was under the impression that OBEs were awarded to people who do something charitable or outside their day-to-day life.

“I am surprised to see she got one for doing her job.

"Someone like Liz Truss should not be allowed to hand out awards after crashing the economy.”

Ms Webb has not responded to requests from the Local Democracy Reporting Service for further comment, but on social media she said: “I am truly honoured to say that I have received an OBE – Order of the British Empire.

“I received the honour ‘for political and public service as Parliamentary Private Secretary at the Department for International Trade, 10 Downing Street, and Member of Parliament for Stourbridge’.

“I had absolutely no idea I was going to be given this honour so I am completely surprised as well as honoured, humbled and proud to receive it.

"It is honour enough to be the MP for Stourbridge and I am sure I feel like many who receive such awards, when I say I am only doing my job.”

Among the other awards on the list were three life peerages for leading Brexiteers and a Downing Street aide.

Ms Truss said in a statement: “I am delighted these champions for the Conservative causes of freedom, limited government and a proud sovereign Britain have been suitably honoured.”