Express & Star

Wolverhampton pub suffers burglary but then inspection success all in same day

A Black Country pub experienced a day of extremes after being broken into, but then passing a surprise health inspection.


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The Horse and Jockey in Wolverhampton's Woodcross area, was left with no phone lines and several broken doors after the break-in, which happened at around 2am on Monday and saw three men enter the premises.

Landlord Chris Caldwell said three CCTV cameras were also damaged and a set of keys taken, but said the men fled the premises after being confronted by a member of staff who lives onsite.

Laurna and Chris Caldwell show some of the damage caused in the break-in

Mr Caldwell said: "What happened was that three men have broken in at around 2am while, prior to that, our telephone lines have been cut.

"They came in and looked around the pub, as well as damaging a couple of the CCTV cameras, and managed to get into the office and [have] taken a set of keys, which are of no significance, but also started breaking down doors to look for cash.

"One of our staff members lives onsite and they were very close to breaking into his accommodation, but he shouted down and confronted them and they fled the building after that."

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