Express & Star

Park gets licence for events despite protests

A licence to stage more live events in a Wolverhampton park where alcohol will be served has been approved by council bosses.

The entrance to Bantock Park in Finchfield, Road, Wolverhampton. Photo: Google Street View

The local authority has granted permission for a licence to hold concerts, plays, films, dance and festivals in Bantock Park, Finchfield Road, sparking a wealth of concern from neighbours.

A large group of residents attended this week’s licensing sub-committee hearing to voice their fears over noise disturbances, antisocial behaviour, drunkenness, traffic problems, litter and vandalism.

The council’s city event operations manager Neil Johnson, who made the application, said: “We are applying because this application is part of the wider ambition for Wolverhampton to become an events city. We want to increase visitor numbers to the city and do so in a manageable, commercially viable and inclusive way.

“We believe that by granting the premises licence for Bantock Park there will be several positive effects. We believe that we can generate revenue by hiring out the park for events to contribute to its financial sustainability, enabling it to be preserved for future generations and providing potential investment for new amenities at the park.

“We think this will provide greater control for the events programme. By holding a premises licence for Bantock Park we can exercise greater control over any events that are held there and ensure they meet strict criteria before they are allowed to go ahead.

“By providing a varied programme at the park, we believe it will become a venue where the local community can socialise and enjoy a range of events that will attract a wider range of visitors. There will also be an indirect contribution to the economy of Wolverhampton,” he added.

“A greater number of events supports employment and also generates revenue for local businesses in the area. The British Tourism Board estimates that on average, each visitor to an area attending an event spends approximately £33 per head in local businesses in that area.

“This licence will allow a maximum number of eight events during a calendar year. There will be no more than two events in one calendar month and these events will not be held on consecutive weekends. Each event will have no more than 4,999 people present including staff, and any live or recorded music will have to finish by 10pm.”

One resident told members: “I would like the committee to understand the impact that approving the alcohol licence at Bantock Park will have on residents who live close by in this highly residential area. We feel the council has a total disregard for the quality of life of residents by wanting to put on music festival-type events in what is essentially a small local park.

“This is a park, not a stadium. These music events are an unreasonable infringement of people’s right to relax and enjoy being in their own property, and we feel the residents’ views and objections are being ignored in favour of revenue with no or little benefit to the local economy. All money spent will be inside the venue.

“The park is a community resource and therefore the application is inappropriate and will encourage antisocial behaviour, traffic and noise pollution on a regular basis – as seen at the recent Ibiza Proms. This application is wholly unacceptable and I urge the committee to refuse it.”

Following deliberation by members, council solicitor Mr Bankole Thomas told residents: “Having considered the views of all concerned, the licensing sub-committee has decided that the application for a premises licence should be granted subject to conditions, which have been proposed by the applicant and the responsible authorities.”

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