Express & Star

Fundraiser for three Wolverhampton siblings who lost both parents within a month raises £10,000 in 24 hours

A fundraiser for three Wolverhampton siblings who lost both their parents within a month has surpassed £10,000 in 24 hours.

Last updated
Lynne and Martin Wilson died within a month of one another

The GoFundMe page was set up by Holly Wilson, 21, from Merridale after she was told the funerals of Lynne and Martin Wilson would cost at least £8,000.

Holly and her younger siblings, Luke, 19, and Ruby Wilson, 14, are facing life without their parents who both died suddenly.

Lynne, 49, passed away in her sleep with the post-mortem revealing her organs had closed down due to an infection in her pancreas. Three weeks later 50-year-old Martin was found lying dead in the living room after a massive heart-attack possibly bought on by the grief of losing his wife.

Holly Wilson

As Holly was a former member of Wolverhampton’s Central Youth Theatre, the founding director Jane Ward MBE helped publicising the plight of the family.

She asked the youth theatre’s ex members across the country to donate to the appeal and sharing it across their social media channels.

Jane said: “Over 40 years our members have put their hands in their pockets many times to help our group survive through lean times – but this time we asked them to support a fellow ex member – and they have outdone themselves.

"People have been donating what they can afford and this has included former members giving some very generous sums up to as much £250. No matter where they now live in the country, and regardless of whether they knew Holly or not, they have responded.

"It’s been amazing. Not only has there been cash donations, but also offers of help in other ways – such as flowers for the funeral and other practical help Additionally local newspapers and Black Country Radio have added their weight to the appeal and spread the news to the wider community. I can’t believe in a little under 24 hours so much has been raised.”

She added: “If the appeal generates over the amount needed for the actual cost of the funerals then the children will be able to put it towards having a wake to help them properly mourn their parents and also to help them establish their future lives without their parents”.

Holly thanked everyone who has supported the fundraising campaign.

She said: “We are absolutely overwhelmed by the response. We want to thank everyone who has donated and shared the page, from the bottom of our hearts. This has been a massive weight lifted off our shoulders.

"Personally it has made me really emotional and I can’t thank all the membership of Central Youth Theatre enough for getting behind the appeal. After the most incredibly stressful few weeks where we didn’t know where to turn, we can at last think about planning the double funeral and laying our parents to rest."

To donate to the Wilson's fundraiser visit here.