Express & Star

Praise for outgoing chief executive at Walsall Council

The chief executive who steered Walsall Council through the Covid-19 pandemic has been showered with glowing praise as she gets set to leave.

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Dr Helen Paterson will leave Walsall Council after five years as chief executive. Photo: Walsall Council.

Dr Helen Paterson will leave her post as the head of paid service in the borough next month to take up a role in charge of Northumberland County Council.

Walsall Council leader Mike Bird said he was sorry to see her go and credited Dr Paterson with leaving the authority in better health than she found it, while Labour group leader Aftab Nawaz added he was grateful for the advice and support she had given him during tough times.

Both also said Dr Paterson had shown her caring side when they had suffered from personal health issues.

Deborah Hindson, currently the interim executive director for resources and transformation at the council, will take up the role of interim chief executive from next month.

Councillor Bird said: “I have to say whilst at times we had our disagreements, during the pandemic I saw the qualities that shone through at times when other people were sat at home doing little or nothing except criticise.

“It was a difficult time for everyone in this room and the people outside. But the tradition we created then of speaking every day of the week, including Sundays, has not changed.

“It has been my great pleasure to work with Helen Paterson. Although the chief executive is often criticised as the person who does nothing and just sits there, she’s not one of them.

“If we look back at what we’ve achieved under the guidance of our chief executive and the officer structure we have with the Proud Programme, we’ve achieved £70 million worth of savings in the five years she’s been here.

“We are the envy of many councils in the West Midlands because our budget is not only balanced this year but next year and the year after.

“It is with sadness that I see Helen leave this authority. She consulted with me prior to the application for the job and I said to her ‘it will be our loss and their gain’.

“Not only is she a great mentor for herself and indeed all officers, she’s also a very caring person in people’s wellbeing.

“When Helen leaves, she can be proud to know she left us in a better place than when she started.”

Councillor Nawaz added: “The job of a chief executive is primarily with the leader of the council but there is a lot of interaction with the leader of the opposition.

“Helen has been a good advisor and given good counsel. The Labour Party went through some difficult times and in that time, Helen was a source of confidential advice and also a source of humour.

“I was hoping she would give us that good advice once we became the leadership of the council but alas you won’t be able to do that.

“(She’s) helped all of us, certainly guided me through some difficult moments. Whenever I phoned, she always picked up which is all I can ask.

“Thank you very much for all you’ve done for Walsall and the people.”