Express & Star

Third man charged following shooting incident

A third man has been charged following a shooting which saw a man hospitalised.

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A third man has been remanded in custody following the shooting incident in Alum Rock at the end of June

Awais Ahmed appeared at Birmingham Magistrates Court today (July 19) after being charged with attempted murder, possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life and possession of an offensive weapon in a private place.

He has been committed to appear at Birmingham Crown Court on August 3 and has been remanded in custody until then.

The 20-year-old, of Burney Lane in Birmingham, was arrested following an incident in Alum Rock on June 27 where, just after midnight, a man was shot in the chest.

He was rushed to hospital with injuries not believed to be life-threatening and is continuing his recovery.

West Midlands Police made the arrest as part of Operation Target, which sees the force working against a range of serious and organised crime offences, from drug dealing and burglary to cyber crime and fraud.

A spokesman for West Midlands Police said: "We have charged a third man with attempted murder after a shooting in Birmingham.

"Awais Ahmed, aged 20, has been charged with attempted murder, possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life and possession of an offensive weapon in a private place.

"He was remanded in custody to appear at Birmingham Magistrates Court on July 19.

"He was committed to appear at Birmingham Crown Court on August 3 and remanded back into custody.

"It follows an incident in Alum Rock, on June 27, shortly after midnight, where a man was shot in the chest.

"The man’s injuries were not life-threatening and he is continuing his recovery.

"Operation Target sees West Midlands Police taking a defiant stand against a range of serious and organised crime offences, from drug dealing and burglary to cyber crime and fraud.

"Officers will be using local intelligence, seizing goods, carrying out warrants and targeting offenders as part of Op Target’s ongoing crackdown against serious and organised crime."

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