Express & Star

Russia’s Kyiv ‘withdrawal’ will lead to offensive in Donbas – Volodymyr Zelensky

Negotiations aimed at achieving peace were due to resume on Friday.

A soldier comforts Larysa Kolesnyk, 82, after being evacuated from Irpin, on the outskirts of Kyiv

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says his country’s forces are preparing for Russia to mount a new offensive in the south-east region of Donbas as Moscow announced it was scaling back military efforts around the capital Kyiv.

Mr Zelensky said in his address to the nation on Wednesday evening: “We know that this is not a withdrawal but the consequences of being driven out. But we also are seeing that Russia is now concentrating its forces for new strikes on Donbas and we are preparing for this.”

It came with talks between Ukraine and Russia due to resume on Friday by video, according to the head of the Ukrainian delegation, David Arakhamia.

The delegations met in-person on Tuesday in Istanbul, after two weeks of meeting by video, and the faint outlines of a possible peace agreement seemed to emerge.

The Ukrainian delegation offered a framework under with the country would declare itself neutral – dropping its bid to join Nato, as Moscow has long demanded – in return for security guarantees from a group of other nations.

Russian diplomats responded positively to Ukraine’s proposal.

Mr Zelensky on Wednesday said the negotiations were continuing, but they remained “words without specifics”.

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The president has also recalled his ambassadors to Georgia and Morocco for seemingly failing to persuade those countries to support Ukraine and punish Russia for the invasion.

“With all due respect, if there won’t be weapons, won’t be sanctions, won’t be restrictions for Russian business, then please look for other work,” Mr Zelenskyy said.

“I am waiting for concrete results in the coming days from the work of our representatives in Latin America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Africa.”

The president also said he was expecting results from Ukraine’s military attaches in embassies abroad.

He said “the diplomatic front is one of the key fronts” in Ukraine’s battle to win the war against Russia.

Mr Zelensky thanked the White House for pledging an additional 500 million dollars (£380 m) in direct aid, but said he was open with US President Joe Biden about Ukraine needing more to resist the Russian invasion.

“If we really are fighting for freedom and in defense of democracy together, then we have a right to demand help in this difficult turning point. Tanks, aircraft, artillery systems. Freedom should be armed no worse than tyranny,” he said.

Meanwhile, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency visited a nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine on Wednesday to meet Ukrainian officials and provide technical assistance.

Rafael Mariano Grossi said the agency is not involved in political talks with the Russians.

“We are trying to be very active in order to ensure that as soon as possible, the situation is regressed, and the facilities are back in the hands of the Ukrainians,” Grossi said.

Ukraine has 15 nuclear reactors at four plants, one of which (Zaporizhzia) is under the Russian military’s control.

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