Express & Star

Samoa PM appeals for calm after first coronavirus case

The leader of the small Pacific nation urged people to remain vigilant against Covid-19.

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Virus Outbreak Asia

The leader of the small Pacific nation of Samoa has appealed for calm after the country reported its first positive coronavirus test.

Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi addressed the nation live on television and radio, urging people to remain vigilant with their virus precautions.

Samoa was among a dwindling handful of nations not to have reported a single case of the virus.

Virus Outbreak Virus Free
Samoa was previously among the Pacific islands not to have reported a Covid-19 case (Mark Baker/AP)

According to the Samoa Observer, the prime minister said the patient was a sailor who had been staying in a quarantine facility since flying in from New Zealand on Friday.

He said the sailor returned a positive test four days after arriving, but then a second test on Thursday returned a negative result.

The prime minister said the Cabinet would meet on Thursday to decide on any changes to the current virus procedures. Samoa is home to about 200,000 people.

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