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Introduction To Amy Pumpkin's Makeup Mondays!

Hello! Welcome to my fun and fancy new blog! My name is Amy, I'm twenty nine, and I'm makeup-OBSESSED!

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Amy Pumpkin's Makeup Mondays

When I say I'm obsessed with makeup, i mean all makeup! Everything from everyday basics, to high fashion and glam looks, right the way up to special effects, theatrical and movie makeup!

In this blog, I'll be discussing a wide range of makeup-based topics, including tried and tested makeup techniques, the season's hottest trends and newest products, reviews of the latest celebrity red carpet looks (and how to get those looks for yourself, on a not-so-red-carpet budget!) ...oh, and just you wait for Halloween!!

So first, let me tell you a little bit about myself and my makeup background.

I started wearing makeup a very long time before the days of Youtube makeup tutorials, and let me tell you right now, that my learning process involved a lot of trial and error! As a young teen, and coming from a line of naturally beautiful women who rarely wore makeup, I had no idea what makeup i wanted to use, or if it was even appropriate for me to be wearing makeup at a young age. Slowly but surely, I began to experiment with a little lipgloss here, and a little eye-shadow there...

By the time I started college (I studied Art & Design to Advanced National Diploma level), I was beginning to develop my own individual makeup and fashion style. I was very drawn to dramatic, alternative looks. To stick a label on it, I was a goth. Pale foundation and dark smoky panda eyes ROCKED MY WORLD! Although the goth look made me feel unique and confident, I still felt somewhat 'restricted' by my beauty choices, and this was really just the beginning of my makeup journey! From then on, I explored makeup in many different forms, regularly mixing any new found makeup knowledge with artistic techniques I was acquiring during my college lessons.

Through the years I've dabbled in an extensive range of makeup styles, adapting my look to a more classic, minimalistic approach whilst working in the customer service and medical industries, and experimenting with bold techniques and bright colours in my free time. I most definitely use makeup as a form of self expression. I know a lot of people say that wearing makeup is like wearing a mask, but for me, my makeup is a reflection of my personality, and if anything, I feel more like myself whilst wearing makeup. It allows me to show to the world who I truly feel that I am inside.

When the harsh reality hit that I was no longer able to work a conventional job (due to a number of chronic illnesses and anxiety and depression which I battle daily) I felt that I had to focus on some form creative outlet that I was able to do, even when I couldn't stand or walk very well, even when I felt rubbish. It was to be my connection to the outside world, and almost like a form of therapy in some ways. It was then, that I turned to makeup artistry, and to Youtube. And I well and truly obsessed over it! I spent most of my time researching and soaking up every little snippet of information I could find, like a big makeup blending sponge full of makeup knowledge!

Fast forward to today, and I am sincerely thrilled to have the opportunity to share some of that makeup knowledge with Express & Star Trusted Voices readers! Although I do not claim to be a classically trained, professional Makeup Artist, I do have a lot of personally gained and self-tested information which I will be delivering to you, in one convenient, all-encompassing blog!

I'm aiming to post blogs every 2 weeks, going over a wide range of makeup related subjects, relating to all ages, all skin types and all levels of ability. I think my next blog will be my TOP 10 AFFORDABLE MAKEUP PRODUCTS I CANT LIVE WITHOUT!

For now though, Thanks for reading, and if you wanna keep in touch you can find me on Youtube (Amy Pumpkin) and Instagram (@AmyPumpkin13) and I'll speak to you right here, next Makeup Monday! <3 xxx

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