Express & Star

POLL: Should chocolate bars be made smaller to help cut down sugar?

Shrinking the size of a chocolate bar is among a range of ideas being looked at by food giant Nestle to help cut down on sugar.


Nestle, which makes Kit Kat and Aero bars, says that reformulation, ingredient substitution and new technologies are all potential ways to try to tackle the problem.

Public Health England (PHE), which is working to cut childhood obesity in England, is looking to set targets to reduce total calories in a wider range of products.

Most high-sugar products, including yoghurt, fizzy drinks and breakfast cereal, can be reformulated using artificial sweeteners, but chocolate makers say doing this ruins the taste of their products, and can even have a laxative effect.

A Nestle spokesman said: "While re-sizing is an effective way to reduce sugar, calories and fat from confectionery, it is certainly not the only choice.

"Recipe reformulation, ingredient substitution and the use of new technologies are all possibilities and with the right investment behind them, could deliver significant reductions.

"Nestle is in the process of looking at all options and we are keeping in close contact with PHE while they establish their sugar reduction programme."

Nestle says its researchers have found a way to structure sugar differently so that up to 40% less could be used but it would seem to taste as sweet.

Nestle is patenting its findings and will begin to use this faster-dissolving sugar across a range of its confectionery products from 2018.

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