Express & Star

Peter Rhodes on a fiendish quiz, a pricey snack and why the hostages could be held for years

The costs of HS2 rose spectacularly and now there are rumours that staff were told to lie about where the money went. So how long before the cops go in?

Victoria Coren Mitchell of Only Connect

If you earn the minimum wage and didn't get a rise this week under the Living Wage Foundation scheme, you're still on £10.42 an hour. To put this in perspective, my bill at an English Heritage cafe this week for a hot chocolate, a brownie and a tiny slice of apple pie was £9.65. In other words it takes almost an hour of minimum - wage hard work to pay for one small snack. Some heritage.

I mentioned recently that I had never ordered a burger in McDonald's. This so inflamed one reader that he/she declared: “I know a few others who have never eaten a burger at McDonald's, they are all right-wing snobs.” Maybe. But at least they're not angry.