Express & Star

Snapchat set to unveil new features in latest app overhaul

The social media app is expected to announce a range of new tools at a summit in Los Angeles on Thursday.


Snapchat is expected to reveal a number of new user features around augmented reality (AR) and gaming at a rare live event on Thursday.

The social media platform has promised news on its AR platform and camera tools, as well as its Discover section that hosts videos and news from official publishers.

There have been reports the company is also preparing to launch a gaming platform and a new range of original TV programmes designed especially for the app.

Last week, Apple unveiled its own plans to launch a new video streaming service built around original content, as well as a subscription-based gaming service of exclusive mobile games.

Snapchat has been undertaking a period of significant change as it looks to evolve beyond just being a messaging service and offering a more unique range of features to stand out from its rivals.

Snapchat co-founders Evan Spiegel and Bobby Murphy will both speak at the firm’s first Partner Summit in Los Angeles, where they are expected to lay out the firm’s plans to also compete with the likes of Instagram and Facebook Messenger.

Facebook’s collection of apps have integrated a number of features similar to the picture-sharing app in recent years, while Snapchat has struggled to grow its user base following a mixed response to a major app redesign last year.

At the time, Snapchat said it wanted to separate the ‘social’ and ‘media’ sections of its app from one another, however some users described the change as confusing.

In its most recent financial results, published in February, the company admitted its user growth had been “flat” over the previous year.

Last month, Snapchat directors also appeared before MPs for the first time, giving evidence to a select committee looking into the addictive nature of technology.

They admitted the firm’s current age verification tools did not always prevent underage users from joining the site.

It confirmed the service was working with government and other agencies on the creation of a central age verification system which could be used across platforms to keep underage children from accessing inappropriate content and services.

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