Express & Star

New photos show work continuing on historic Dudley Hippodrome site

Most of the front wall and roof have been removed from the historic Dudley Hippodrome as demolition continues.

DUDLEY COPYRIGHT MNA MEDIA TIM THURSFIELD 22/09/23.Demolition of Dudley Hippodrome is nearing completion...

The work is making way for a new £25 million university campus which is expected to begin in early 2024.

The historic building is being taken apart piece by piece

Although the disused Castle Hill theatre has not hosted live entertainment since 1974, or been used at all since 2009, there have been disputes over its survival.

Almost the entire roof has been removed

David Homer of the Dudley Hippodrome Development Trust accused the council of 'bullying' their way through with the plans to demolish the historic building which has stood since 1938 and once hosted music hall and film stars including Laurel and Hardy.