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Daleks’ debut tops list of greatest sci-fi TV moments

The baddies were first seen in Doctor Who in 1963.

Tom Baker as Doctor Who, surrounded by Daleks

The daleks’ onscreen debut has been named the greatest sci-fi television moment of all time.

Doctor Who’s biggest enemies first appeared in the BBC series in an episode shown in 1963.

They appeared as the timelord discovered an empty city on an irradiated planet.

Their arrival beat big moments on shows such as Star Trek and Blake’s 7 to take the top spot in the list compiled by TV Years magazine.

TV Years magazine
TV Years magazine (TV Years)

Describing the nation’s first look at daleks, the magazine said: “As (companion) Barbara stoops through passages, doors slide closed behind her, manoeuvring her into a lift, which takes her down.

“Emerging, she’s faced with… something. We don’t know what. All we see is a plunger-shaped protuberance waggling menacingly at her.

“She screams, the credits roll and history is made.”

In second place was the moment in Star Trek where Captain Kirk faces an agonising choice to let his love Edith (Joan Collins) die to save his own future.

A scene in Blake’s 7 where Avon (Paul Darrow) counsels a mourning Cally when she cannot return to her home world was third.

Entries from sci-fi favourites such as The X-Files, The Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy, V, The Prisoner, The Day Of The Triffids, Heroes, Red Dwarf and The Incredible Hulk are also among those that made the top 50.

The X-Files
David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson starred in The X-Files (Frank Ockenfels/Fox)

Editor Graham Kibble-White said: “The Daleks – the self-dubbed ‘supreme power of the universe!’ – are victorious again!

“Their thrilling arrival on British screens supercharged Doctor Who, turning the show into a national obsession, and immediately securing their status as, not just sci-fi’s, but TV’s best-ever baddies.”

The full list of the Top 50 Greatest Sci-Fi TV Moments appears in TV Years magazine, on sale now (Tuesday).

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