'Guaranteed to bring big laughs' – Our review of Peter Pan Goes Wrong at Wolverhampton Grand
The Cornley Drama Society hit the stage for their production of Peter Pan, and chaos ensues with hilarious consequences.

A play within a play, Peter Pan Goes Wrong follows the trials and tribulations of the Cornley actors and production staff as, true to its title, everything you could think of (and more) goes wrong.
From misspoken lines to faulty sets to medical emergencies, more and more strain is put on the relationships between the cast as the small things, the big things and everything in between falls apart.
Guaranteed to bring big laughs, this pantomime (it is a pantomime, despite what an increasingly despairing director would have you believe) hits all the marks when it comes to slapstick, taking it to a whole new level with some ridiculous stunts and set pieces.
The chaos may ensue, but it is clear that every last detail is planned to the second by the geniuses at Mischief Theatre, who bring the Cornley Drama Society to life.
Not many productions start the entertainment a full half an hour before the curtain rises, so get to your seat early if you want some extra giggles.
It is clear why this was nominated for an Olivier award, been called 'ridiculously funny' by comedy legend Peter Kay and launched Mischief on to the BBC back in 2016, spawning two series of the Goes Wrong Show.
Even if you have seen Peter Pan Goes Wrong on TV (it is still available on BBC iPlayer at time of writing), there is even more to entertain you in person at the theatre - as well as being able to be a part of the show.
Plus a room full of belly-aching laughter is one of the best experiences - never mind the roar when a young member of the audience asking Captain Hook (also that despairing director, who says it isn't a pantomime) if he 'needs a hand'.
All the actors deserve credit for portraying actors who are acting the parts of Peter Pan and not missing a beat as they act out the emotions and feelings of their actor characters as well as the Peter Pan characters at the same time.
Confused? Imagine trying to get your head around that enough to be able to entertain a room full of people as Mischief do so brilliantly.
The actors (the real ones) also shrugged off a technical hiccup during the first half of the performance that caused a delay of a few minutes.
Something really went wrong in Peter Pan Goes Wrong!

However, so often do the laughs arrive that within a couple of gags it was like the break hadn't happened.
And things really step up after the interval, ending in a marvellous crescendo that you wouldn't believe had been mapped out it is so marvellously chaotic and hilarious.
Peter Pan Goes Wrong continues at Wolverhampton Grand until November 4 and is on tour across the country until at least April 2024.
Tickets are available from grandtheatre.co.uk - you would be wrong to miss out on the hilarity of what may well be the funniest comedy to come to Wolverhampton this, or any, year.