Express & Star

Russia launches drills of its nuclear missile forces

Russia’s defence ministry released a video showing trucks carrying the missiles driving out from a base to go on patrol.

A Yars missile launcher of the Russian armed forces being driven from a shelter in an undisclosed location in Russia

The Russian military was conducting drills of its strategic missile forces, deploying mobile launchers in Siberia in a show of the country’s nuclear capability amid the fighting in Ukraine.

As part of the drills, the Yars mobile missile launchers would manoeuvre across three regions of Siberia, Russia’s defence ministry said. The movements would involve measures to conceal the deployment from foreign intelligence assets, the ministry added.

The defence ministry did not mention plans for any practice launches.

A Russian armed forces Yars missile launcher being driven in an undisclosed location in Russia
Yars missile launchers would be on manoeuvres across Siberia, the Russia defence ministry said (Russian Defence Ministry Press Service via AP)

The Yars is a nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missile with a range of over 6,800 miles (about 11,000km). It forms the backbone of Russia’s strategic missile forces.

The defence ministry released a video showing trucks carrying the missiles driving out from a base to go on patrol. The manoeuvres involve about 300 vehicles and 3,000 troops in eastern Siberia, according to the ministry.

The exercise was taking place days after Russian president Vladimir Putin announced a plan to deploy tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus, Russia’s neighbour and ally.

Tactical nuclear weapons are intended for use on the battlefield and have a relatively short range and a much lower yield compared to the long-range strategic missiles fitted with nuclear warheads that are capable of obliterating whole cities.

Mr Putin’s decision to put the tactical weapons in Belarus followed his repeated warnings that Moscow was ready to use “all available means” — a reference to its nuclear arsenal — to fend off attacks on Russian territory.

Russian officials have issued a barrage of hawkish statements since their troops entered Ukraine, warning that the continuing western support for Ukraine raised the threat of a nuclear conflict.

In remarks published on Tuesday, Nikolai Patrushev, the secretary of Russia’s security council, which Mr Putin chairs, warned the United States and its allies against harbouring hopes for Russia’s defeat in Ukraine.

Mr Patrushev alleged that some American politicians believed the US could launch a preventative missile strike on Russia to which Moscow would be unable to respond, a purported belief that he described as “short-sighted stupidity, which is very dangerous”.

“Russia is patient and isn’t trying to scare anyone with its military superiority, but it has unique modern weapons capable of destroying any adversary, including the United States, in case of a threat to its existence,” Mr Patrushev said.

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