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Renewable energy chief says climate goals need radical action

The Irena agency report says investments of £4.3 trillion in renewable energy are needed every year until 2030 to meet the Paris accord goals.

Germany energy talks

The world needs to take “radical action” to shift away from fossil fuels and ensure global warming does not pass dangerous thresholds, the head of the International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena) has said.

The agency’s 348-page report concluded that investments of 5.7 trillion dollars (£4.3 trillion) in renewable energy are needed globally each year until 2030 to reduce emissions and meet the goals of the Paris climate accord.

Currently, those emissions are going up, not down.

Francesco La Camera, the director-general of Irena, told an energy conference in Berlin: “The energy transition is far from being on track and anything short of radical action in the coming years will diminish, even eliminate chances to meet our climate goals.”

Countries agreed seven years ago in Paris to limit global warming to 2C (3.6 Fahrenheit) – and ideally no more than 1.5C (2.7F) – to avoid potentially catastrophic consequences for the entire planet.

A recent report by a UN science panel found that with temperatures already more than 1.1C above the pre-industrial average, billions of people around the world are vulnerable to impacts from climate change.

Hilda Nakabuye
Hilda Nakabuye, Fridays for Future activist, speaks at the opening of the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue at the Federal Foreign Office (dpa via AP)

Mr La Camera told the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue that “not only the 1.5C, the 2C goal is really in danger if we don’t act and don’t make a dramatic change in the way we produce and consume energy”.

Abu Dhabi-based Irena suggested that investments of 700 billion dollars (£533 billion) should be diverted away from the fossil fuel sector annually to avoid creating wells, pipelines and power plants that cannot be used any more.

This was echoed by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who called for an end to private sector financing for coal power, which surged to record highs last year.

“Lenders need to recognise that coal and fossil fuels are futile investments that will lead to billions of dollars in stranded assets,” he said.

With some countries ramping up domestic fossil fuel production amid energy price hikes and fears of supply shortages because of Russia’s war in Ukraine, Mr Guterres urged governments not to delay the shift away from fossil fuels.

“The current crisis shows that we must accelerate, not slow, the renewable energy transition,” he said.

“This is the only true path to energy security.”

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