Peter Rhodes on small print, going paperless and the passing of a medical inspiration
The commemorations are over and I dare say we will not hear the term “D-Day” for a while. Not that everyone heard it the first time.

A number of Scottish commentators with rich Caledonian accents referred to it as “Dee-Dee.” Listen out for them next year when Britain observes the 80th anniversaries of the end of the war in Europe and Japan on Vee-Ee-Dee and Vee-Jee-Dee.
I suspect other people's electricity bills are not that enthralling. So I won't bore you with every detail of ours, save to report that, according to our online account, without us paying a single penny, our balance went from £33.88 in credit on May 10 to £828.73 in credit 15 days later on May 25. The explanation comes through the post in “Your Energy Account,” a mighty tome of 11 sides of A4 with dozens of alleged payments and deductions dating back to April 2023. I haven't a clue whether any of it is accurate, but at least it is readable. You can lay out those sheets on a table and study them in all their bewildering intricacy.