Express & Star

Looking for our archive?

Published only publishes a small amount of the hundreds of news stories published in the 12 editions of the Express & Star every day.

If you are looking for a recent story on a particular subject, type in the key words (ie golden wedding Walsall) into the search box in the corner of the page.

If this is unsuccessful, you may want to scour an old edition to find the printed story.

We do not have the facility for readers to view old editions online and the Express & Star does not run an archive library service.

Anyone looking to read an old edition of the newspaper should visit the archive library in Snow Hill, Wolverhampton, which holds all back issues of the Express & Star on microfilm.

These can be viewed and photocopied.

The email address for further information is:

Alternatively, the telephone number is 01902 552480.

Back copies of the newspapers, up to six months, can be purchased from the Commissionaires in our reception. Call them on 01902 319330 for more information.

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