Academy celebrates outstanding GCSE results
Chase Terrace Academy is thrilled with the remarkable achievements of its Year 11 pupils in this year’s GCSE examination season.

Deputy Headteacher, Mr J Cain, expressed his pride in the pupils, stating: "This year group has demonstrated exceptional commitment and focus throughout their time with us, growing into outstanding representatives of both our school and the wider community. Despite reports of lower grades nationally, our pupils have much to celebrate, and we share their excitement about the incredible opportunities these results have unlocked for their future studies. We're particularly excited that so many of our Year 11 pupils will be continuing their education with us in the Sixth Form. However, we also wish every single one of our pupils the very best in whatever path they choose to pursue next."
While the school is celebrating the success of all its pupils, special recognition is given to Archie, who achieved an extraordinary nine Grade 9s – the highest grade possible in every course that he studied. Archie will be returning to Chase Terrace Academy in September to pursue A-Levels in Maths, Chemistry, and Physics. Reflecting on his achievement, Archie said, “After a difficult couple of years, I would like to say thank you so much to the school for all of their support in helping me achieve these results. It shows that hard work pays off!”
Chase Terrace Academy extends its heartfelt thanks to all staff members for their unwavering support, which has been instrumental in helping pupils reach their goals. Headteacher Ms N Mason added: "I am incredibly proud of all our pupils who have worked so hard to achieve such fantastic results. We are looking forward to seeing them return in September to join our Sixth Form, and I wish all pupils going on to join colleges or apprenticeships all the best in their future. Thank you for choosing to spend your time at school with us at CTA. You will always be an important part of our community"

The entire Chase Terrace Academy community celebrates the success of its pupils and looks forward to their continued achievements in the future.
By Hannah Elton - Contributor