Express & Star

Penkridge WI get 'competitive' at fun beetle drive

We held our meeting on Monday, 5 August as usual in the Reading Room, Penkridge at 7.30pm.

Penkridge WI President Vicky Atkins and beetle drive winner Doreen Frost. Photo: Penkridge WI

Instead of having a speaker, we had a very enjoyable social evening with a Beetle Drive, where 24 members attended which meant we had six tables of four. After some initial chaos getting the rules sorted and understood, laughter gradually subsided as everyone’s serious, competitive nature took over.

The evening was enjoyed so much that it was decided to add another three games.

Doreen Frost was the overall winner, and she was presented with a prize and the trophy from Vicky Atkins our President. Winifred Mayne happily accepted the 'booby prize' as the person with the lowest score.

Our next meeting will be in the Meeting Room at 7.30pm on Monday, 2 September when our speaker will be Alan Pugh who will talk about “The Alamo”. The competition will be an item related to Mexico or Texas.

Visitors will be very welcome as always!

Submitted by Penkridge WI