Express & Star

One year ends and another one starts...

On Wednesday, 26 June members of the Rotary Club of Cannock celebrated the end of the current year and the start of a new Rotary year.

Rotary Club of Cannock President David Marklew with President Elect Alan Matkin

Club President David Marklew, who is continuing in the role for another year outlined what the club had achieved in the past 12 months, stated that "the past year been challenging not only because of the current climate, we have seen higher poverty issues, world disasters and the ever-increasing conflicts across the world. Now more than ever people need our help and as a club we have been there to help when and where we can".

Over the past year, the club with help from the local community, has raised over £20,000 from events such as the Golf Day, Christmas collections and the Sleep Out To Kit Out event.

In February the club made donations in support of 12 local charities and good causes it has also provided some 20 financial grants to help people in need move out of hostel style accommodation into homes of their own.

The club has purchased shelter boxes to provide emergency aid to those unfortunate people affected by world conflicts or disasters. It has also helped many other people across the world with micro loans via ‘Lead with Care’.

The club has also been successful in obtaining grants from Support Staffordshire Foundation which were used to provide assistance to three locally based warm space providers which has enabled people to meet and socialise.

The club has continued to support Ukrainian families sheltering in our area.

The club has supported local schools and only recently provided 14 Book Boxes to primary schools. It has also facilitated youth competitions enabling secondary children to develop and improve key life skills.

Overall, a very successful year.

President David thanked the members for their support throughout the year, David inducted the clubs new President elect Alan Matkin who takes over the lead role in 2025.

If you would like to find out more about Rotary visit

By Harold Bould - Contributor